This one's for the soon to be graduates! You're almost done, congratulations! Graduating is filled with so many different emotions; excitement, stress, anticipation, and maybe a little bit of confusion. Regardless it's still a big moment in your life!

Whether you're graduating high school or college the next season of life holds a lot of adventure. You get to meet new people, find new hobbies, maybe move to a new place, and learn to do things on your own. It's exciting and kind of scary.

Everything goes by too fast to be scared. Be spontaneous but be safe. Stick to a schedule but add in fun. Love what you do and do what you love. Be kind to those around you and to yourself. Call your family.

There's a lot that goes into next seasons of life but don't forget to enjoy this season of life. Take pictures, say thank you, hug someone you love. Iron your gown before walking across the stage. Practice walking in your shoes. Learn to tie your tie properly. Move your tassel and throw your cap. Oh and make sure your cake tastes good! Cheers!