Happy Valentine’s Day to all of the sweet couples out there, I hope you feel so loved and cherished today! 

I can’t lie to you, I hate this holiday. Don’t get me wrong I love the pink and the hearts and the flowers but I hate that they only last for this one day out of the whole year.

As a whole, we as people have picked one singular day of the year to go above and beyond loving our person rather than loving them like this every single day. And I absolutely hate that. Now I’m not saying that this is how every relationship is or how every male or female behaves; but most couples only show recognition to their significant other on the “big” days, Valentine’s being one of them. If Valentine’s Day is your "big" day then that’s amazing, make sure to celebrate! 

But really, the “big” days shouldn't have to come with a common name or acknowledgment. The “big” days are every day. We need to love our person with pink and hearts and flowers every day because it’s important. I hope you’re celebrating your partner more than once a year - you obviously have to consider anniversaries - but don’t stop at the bare minimum. 

Love them every day and love them anyway.

When the sunrises and it sets.

When they’re drinking their coffee.

When they’re talking about their passion.

When they’re sick.

When you catch them staring at you.

When they’re not in the room.

When they do that annoying thing.

When they assure you that they’re the one.

Love your person. 

Not just today or in a couple of months, but every single day.