YOUR FIRST SHOOT?! No worries, I got you! A common question I get asked when working with any of my clients is "what do I need to do to prepare?". Honestly, besides bringing yourself there isn't much else, but here are a few things I would recommend just in case:

  • Ladies!! Bring setting spray! With this weather it doesn't take long for your makeup to melt in the heat. Make sure to apply setting spray before coming and bring it with you just in case you need to apply more throughout the shoot.

  • You also may want to consider bringing your makeup with you just in case you need a touch up during the shoot. It's better to not need it and be prepared than to need it and not have it!

  • Think about any props that you may want to use. This could be things like sports gear, cap and gown, your favorite book, really just anything that represents you. Some clients like to bring blankets or stools that they can take photos on as well. This is your shoot! The possibilities are endless!
  • Don't forget to pack any outfits you want to change into. I don't have a limit on the number of outfits so bring as many as you want! But still take into account the amount of time we have.

  • Another thing I highly recommend is bug spray! I try to do most of my shoots in the evening around golden hour and this means that the bugs are out! We don't want to have a bunch of bug bites showing in your photos so bug spray comes in handy.

The last thing is to just get excited!! I know I am! A lot of people stress about getting photos because they don't think they're photogenic. There is no such thing! I promise that you're gonna look amazing in front of that camera and I will guide you through the whole thing! Let's relax, laugh, and have fun! Just come as you are and my camera and I will handle the rest! We're going to have a blast! I can't wait!